Generations of Experience
CENT’ANNI are the perfect way to enjoy a delicious premium quality cigar. Our cigars are made with aged filler and wrappers, and are assembled with great care and patience. The result is a cigar that is packed with flavor, including notes of chocolates, cocoa, espresso and spices. Whether you’re looking for a relaxed smoke or an after-dinner treat, CENT’ANNI are sure to please. Discover the flavor of premium quality cigars!
Cigars have long been seen as a symbol of luxury and sophistication. The art of cigar making dates back centuries, and the best cigars are still handcrafted using traditional methods. Cigar aficionados know that the type of wrapper leaf used can have a big impact on the flavor of a cigar. Our three types of wrappers are Ecuadorian Sumatra, Maduro, and Habano. Each wrapper gives the cigar a distinct taste and aroma. For example, an Ecuadorian
Sumatra cigar is typically earthy and spicy, while a Maduro cigar is rich and chocolatey. A Habano cigar, on the other hand, has hints of cocoa and coffee. When choosing a cigar, it’s important to consider what kind of flavors you enjoy. Cigars are also available in different strengths, from mild to full-bodied. So whether you’re looking for a relaxing smoke or an after-dinner treat, there is sure to be a premium cigar that is perfect for you.
Our Mission
Our mission at Cent’anni Cigars is simple: to provide aficionados and new smokers alike with premium cigars that enhance life’s experiences. Whether you’re celebrating milestones or enjoying a quiet moment, our cigars are crafted to deliver richness and
sophistication with every puff.
Cent’anni Cigars was born from a deep love of cigars and a desire to create a brand that values tradition, quality, and good times. We’ve always found that a great cigar is more than just a smoke; it’s a moment to pause, reflect, and celebrate life’s special moments. Our passion for cigars inspired us to create a brand that reflects our values of longevity, joy, and luxury, captured in every blend we offer.